Thursday, May 30, 2024

80s/90s Woman on Dice (Acrylic on Canvas)

I have no idea what this is about. For what it is, graphic-design-wise, this is pretty good I guess. I wish I knew why this exists though. I can imagine this hanging in some gay guy’s loft apartment amid a bunch of black and chrome and glass furniture. Or if not a gay guy, perhaps Temu Patrick Bateman.

That having been said, CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER: this rather strange little number was the (Value) Village Art Gallery’s 200th exhibit!!! Thanks to all of you who have silently (since comments are disabled haha) been enjoying the (V)VAG for the past sixteen months. I’ve very much enjoyed the process of finding new and interesting objets d’art to exhibit here and then delivering my Saturnine pronouncements on them. I entertain myself here as much as I try to entertain you. Anyway, I’ll keep this short. For those of your interested in statistics, from January 1st to May 30th of 2024 we’ve had about as many new artworks hung as we did for the entirety of 2023. Progress! Until I get bored or beaten up, I’ll keep at it. Huzzah!

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