Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Night Landscape (Acrylic? on Canvas)


“Have you ever seen blood in the moonlight, Will? It appears quite black.”

This is by far one of the strangest and most interesting paintings we’ve ever exhibited. It is also the first painting I’ve included two photos of. The truth is that these photos just don’t do this painting justice: to my eye, at first this painting looked almost completely black. But when I had a look at the first photo I took, it didn’t even seem like the same painting: in the photo, the areas where the glossy paint is exceptionally thick reflect the light in a way that makes the painting seem brighter than it actually is. But even the sky, which is not exactly thick with paint, seemed darker in person. What’s going on here? The second photo is closer to what this thing looks like in real life, but even that doesn’t convey how weirdly dark it is. So. Long story short: this painting is, in its own way, very good, very strange, and I now absolutely regret not having bought it. For $4.99!!! No idea where I would have put it, but I regret not buying it.

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