Wednesday, September 25, 2024

“MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!!” (Acrylic on Canvas)

Ya might be surprised ta larn thet here et the good ‘ol (Value) Village Art Gallery ah often see what ah consider to be a statistically-significant number of paintings involving black (er gray), and PANK. Ah’m et a loss to explain this danged ol’ turn of events mahself, I jest document it and mosey on along.

Now this ol’ painting rot cheer jest ain’t thet good, and on a number of levels ta boot (color choice, subjeckt matter, the staging o’ thet thar subjeckt matter, perspective/depth etc.) But sance ah’m assuming thet the vole er mole er bat thet painted it had a high ol’ time while doing so, we’ll just leave it et that shall we?

(By the way: I’m not sure why I slipped into dialect during my review, other than maybe just trying to amuse myself and to thereby hold up under the strain of so many awful paintings lately.)

“Ya’ll come back now, y’hear?”

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