Thursday, September 5, 2024

Cup of Tea (Acrylic on Pasteboard)

I’m strangely intrigued by this very smol (maybe 3” x 4”?) painting. My initial thought was that the person’s left thumb was bandaged and the person’s right thumb and index fingers were in dire need of bandages! Then I realized that what an assumed was a thumb bandage is actually (?) a teabag on the edge of the saucer. Which probably means the bloody right thumb and index finger are probably just a very unfortunate portrayal of shading/shadowing. Also, the coffee cup umm um um (frantically googling “parts of a coffee cup”) handle (?) is terrifically (as in terrifyingly) malformed. It looks like an ear! YET DESPITE ALL THIS, i do kind of like this painting. Keep up the reasonably good work, artiste.

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