Saturday, July 13, 2024

Barbed-Wire Fence (Acrylic on Canvas)

I jinxed myself. Just yesterday I was thinking about how few truly blah or (worse) truly bad paintings we’ve had lately, and then this and another one shows up. Actually it could have been two more (a total of four), but my heart just wasn’t in it and I chose not to take photographs of the other two. Yes, I cheated! I left two bad paintings out of the exhibit today. They were bad in a truly banal, soul-sucking, “pooped and demoralized” kind of way. Maybe I’ll add them some other day, if they’re still there the next time I go back.

HA! “if they’re still there.” Believe me: they’ll be there alright.

Anyway. The main problem here is that this painting is a clear violation of my Purple/Blue rule (see other purple/blue paintings for further clarification on this matter.) Aside from the fact that this painting is also boring, sad, disheartening and pointless.

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