Sunday, June 2, 2024

Pointillism (Pen? on Parchment)

Remember the maaaybe bunch of tossed-out old Art Class assignments that turned up all at once at VV a few weeks back? The ones I said that I wouldn’t exhibit any more of if more showed up, since I figured they were all by the same person and I disliked the idea of showing too much of any one person’s work? Well this is one more, and hopefully the last. Going by possibly-faulty memory, I’d say that this is the best of the bunch. It is also signed, which I appreciate when the work in question is halfway decent. Which this kinda is. Ariel, I hope you got an A on this. If not, here’s one for you: “A!!!”  :)

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Hey feel free to comment. But be aware: I’m going to check what you say before it gets posted. Have fun!