Sunday, May 19, 2024

Mountain Lake (Oil on Canvas)

I am 90% certain this demonstrably old painting doesn’t qualify as the kind of amateur or even semi-amateur art we normally showcase here. It’s so good that I think it was probably department-store-bought ala the 60s or 70s equivalent of Target or Walmart (ie The Treasury, Zayre, Woolco, Sears, Kmart etc.) The only reason I have that lingering, niggling, pesky 10% of doubt is because we have a) birch trees, b) snowy mountains, and c) a lake involved, all of which are popular subjects for painting round these here parts. As usual, until someone proves me wrong and can demonstrate that it was mass-produced, it stays. But if this was legit amateur human being semi-local created art, it’s pretty good I think.

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