Saturday, January 13, 2024

Spare Change (Acrylic on Canvas)

Happy 100th exhibit, folks!

Honestly I don’t know what this is but as I was trying to come up with a clever name for it I realized it looks a bit like a quarter nickel dime and penny. 

Not my cup of tea: too modern for my taste and far too bland color-wise but eh: to each his (or her) own.

If this was done free hand, the artist made far better circles than I ever could have. I have shaky hands.

Anyway, it’s been a nice Centennial. Here’s looking forward to our Bicentennial. Onward and upward! I’ll randomly insert one of my own misconceived, ill-advised paintings sometime in the next year and we’ll see if anyone can figure out which one it is. 

By the way: I painted a tree (three actually) last night that didn’t make me want to kick the legs out from under my easel and throw my paints down an elevator shaft. Progress!


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Hey feel free to comment. But be aware: I’m going to check what you say before it gets posted. Have fun!