Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Snowy Landscape (oil on canvas board)

Not sure what’s up lately but this is the longest run of really decent paintings that we’ve seen here at the (V)VAG since…well…okay let’s be honest: we’ve NEVER had this many decent paintings in a row all at once. You’ll see what I mean once you travel a bit deeper into the abattoir er um GALLERY that is. “Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here.” 


While I’m thinking about it though, we are creeping up on our first 100 objets d’arte: how cool is that? I’ll try to think of something special to do in order to commemorate our upcoming “100th Painting Anniversary.”

Anyway, yet again there’s nothing to ridicule here: it’s a nice, painterly landscape, I’m guessing of the Bob Ross variety.

My trees continue to suck. I’m envious.

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