Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Mountain Lake (watercolor on paper?)

Lots of mountain lakes up in here today. This looks like a King Crimson album cover to me. It’s old. 1977. Someone was probably high as fuck when they painted this. They’d been reading The Hobbit and staring at their black light posters, probably burning some cones of incense in one of those tiny brass pagoda-looking contraptions that always used to tip over and get cone incense ash all over one’s wooden cable spool table. Remember those? Cone incense ash was always a bummer to try and wipe up, man. Anyway. I’m guessing the result was this artwork. Grok!

PS: I’m just being a wise-ass: this is actually a very very nice painting. Although it really does remind me a bit of some of Tolkien’s illustrations for The Hobbit. And the album cover for In the Court of the Crimson King.

Mountain Lake (acrylic on canvas)

I like it. And I like it the more I look at it. It looks like something that actually exists. It’s brief, but it gets its point across. I like the foreground more than the distant bits. I wonder what her story was.

H1N1 (acrylic on canvas board)

 I feel a bit ill looking at this thing.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Dandelion Puffs (Acrylic on Canvas)

I couldn’t think of what these things were called other than Dandelions. So I asked my wife: “what do you call dandelions when they get big and fluffy?” “Dandelions gone to seed. Dandelion Puffs. They’re weeds!!! Disgusting!!!” Then she started laughing. She’s a little high.

Kill Me Now (Banality on Ennui)

Candidates have been few and far between of late. Which is why I’ve had to resort to including this…thing. At $4.99 it’s overpriced. By half a sawbuck.