Friday, March 17, 2023

Night Gallery Whale

Something about this reminds me of some of the old Night Gallery paintings. Remember them? I’m not sure if this is finished or not. It is supposed to look like this? Is it some kind of gimmick? Who can tell. There’s something wrong with the whale as well. His head’s gone all funny-like. Crikey!

The One and Only

Here we have one of the most original recent additions to the Value Village Art Gallery. It’s so unusual I’m not going to make any wisecracks. We are lucky to have it.

Tropical Snow

I like the shape of the branches and the foliage on them. They just don’t look like they should have snow-capped mountains, an icy lake, and a fence-like line of trees behind them.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Snowman (acrylic on canvas)

The trees look reasonably like trees. That’s about it. I tried doing trees just yesterday and afterwards they got wiped away with a paper towel. Now they’re a sky. They are in a better place.

Starfish (acrylic on canvas)

Every once in a while I’ll walk past a painting like this thinking it’s something from (ugh) or pier one imports but then I’ll get to looking a bit more closely and realize “hey, an actual person did this!” This is one of those times. It’s not bad. It’s not good. It just is.

Purple Hot Dogs on Sticks (acrylic on canvas)

“RecidivismRepeat offender! Not a pretty name, is it?”

I honestly can’t think of what these darned things are called. The first name that came to mind was Pussy Willows but I googled that and here’s some advice: whatever you do, don’t google “Pussy Willow” in 2023. And certainly not while you’re on your work computer. It’s just not safe. Not that it’s probably safe to google “Purple Hot Dog” either.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Fox (acrylic on canvas)

Pine Cones

I had to google “pine cone diagram” to find out what to call the only thing in this painting that I really liked.



Train Station (?) (acrylic on canvas)

(Value Village Art Gallery Favorite)

Here’s another one that someone liked enough to frame. I called it “Train Station” but I really don’t have the slightest idea what it is. Storage room? Boiler room? Airplane Hangar? I don’t have a clue. I think if I had a better, clearer idea of what has been painted, I might like it more. Even so, I like this a LOT. There’s skill combined with an appreciation of the everyday. The word Americana comes to mind.

Peas, Tomato, Spaghetti Squash (acrylic on canvas)

Yes I know this is actually grapes and an apple. But what is that speckled yellow thing towards the back? A pear? Then why the spots? A banana with acromegaly? My vote is pear, but come on man…

Flowers and Bow (acrylic on canvas)

Ugly grey bow, terrible stems. Nice(ish) flowers that are actually kind of charming. Someone cared enough about this to frame it. No signature. Probably for the best.

Whale and Stars (acrylic on wood)

There’s a lot to unpack here. It’s a whale. Spewing stars into the sky through its spiracle. Per the stars, I think (?) the artist even managed to work in the Big Dipper up in there. The whale is smiling. The waves look like the teeth of a saw blade. 

I think that about covers it.